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Name's Tony, W'vatsit Touyah?

-- Tony W'vatsit Touyah



Tony is an Oni that lives within the deepest depth of the lake in the Dragon's Outpost, some say the greed of dragons sinks to the bottom of the lake and underneath it, lies a portal to the underworld where Tony resides, guarding the treasures people bring with them into the afterlife!

Seeing as the lake is accessible to many, Tony doesn't get much company aside from the occasional theif that attempts to plunder the treasures of the dead, perhaps this has, soiled his view of mortals somewhat...

Who knows why he resurfaced after all these years, or what he would ever wish for...



Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



Tony was brought into this world as the bearer of the Empty Vault. 


This location is said to store the items that people bring with them when they die, sheltered within a horde on the other side of the Dragon's Lake. Tony was the being tasked by the heavens to safe-guard this place, and ensure that the spirits get what they bring with them. Some eons ago, travelers and thieves from the above world found a way into the Dragon's Horde and tried to steal the treasures of the dead.


Tony would be enraged, and upon finding the ones responsible, would devour their very souls as fuel for his being. He can leave marks on your soul that do not appear to give physical wounds, and he can grow stronger with each soul obtained.



Tony's personality is at first brash and presumptive, because of the amount of time he's spent dealing with the worst humanity has to offer, he is often outspoken and tactless. This does not mean he is unusually cruel, however, as he especially shows a lot of reverence to older members of the Dragon's Post and seems to have good relationships with older people in general.


Beneath much of the surface, however is the spirit of a being tasked with ensuring the safety of those passing on, and a great deal of reverence is shown to the dead and their belongings. He may look down on others, and lash out in anger, but what he sees in the world comes from a deep frustration in the task he was meant to perform. 


He feels a great deal of obligation to the dead and the older people of this world, an aspect of himself not often seen by people, and hints at a tinge of heroism lying underneath the cynicism and crass.


Tony knows he isn't often seen as a 'Good Person'. But that's never mattered.


Tony has full confidence in what he does is right.

Tony Solo Summer Leagues.png


[God of the Empty Vault]

[Tony the Oni]

[Tony Tengu]


Profile Data


Oni / Tengu




[Pretty Old]


[190 lbs / 5 Feet/ Yolked Build]

B/W/H Size

[Big / Snatched / Adonis]

Hair/Eye/Skin Colour

[Reddish Brown / Orange and Yellow / Blue]

Distinguishing Marks

  • [Gold Scars]
  • [Body Tats/ Demon Head Back Tattoo]
  • [Soul Stealing]
  • [Soul Manipulation]
  • [Silver Tongue]


Ruthless tenacity, Strength and Determination


Presumptive, Over-Confidence, Unfamiliarity with Above World



  • [Knives]
  • [Claws]


[Spirits, Good Beer, Reverence of Spirits and the Dead, Peace and Quiet]


[Disrespect of the Dead, Thievery, Materialism]

[Link to Creator's sheet]


Soul Stealing

Tony is an adept in the magic and practice of souls and soul manipulation, and often he will steal bits of the soul from opponents and use them to replenish his being. If he is really out to kill he may try stealing the entirety of a person's soul to give himself a stronger boost.

Soul Manipulation

Tony often doesn't fight with a weapon, but can easily summon weapons forth from his chest (his favorite are knives). He will often rip into the souls of others and shear chunks off of them, or peer into them for information. Perhaps if he has enough energy, he can scar a command into your very being...

The Silver Tongue

Tony is supernaturally good at lying, to a degree that his wish is completely shrouded in mystery. Seers try to peer into his wish and can't see a thing, if he lies to someone they will often believe him without question, though this can create a tangle of lies that even he cannot escape from...


Determined and Cunning, with a brutal edge that gives him an upper hand in combat, Tony has been fighting off hordes of thieves and thugs since the day he took over the vault. His body is attuned to combat, scarred from his many battles he has more experience fighting than most. His mind is a steel trap of experience and a ruthless tenacity that has allowed him to stay level headed for all these years. He has been around for as long as today's elders and has gotten to know a wide network of people who he can use for information gathering, he probably knows your dad. He knows how to lie and work people in a way not many can understand, his charisma and silver tongue catch many people off guard and sneak past their defenses. He has heard every short joke ever told, those do not affect him.

If he gets too close to you he can peer into your soul and manipulate it, a technique that has allowed him to take lives without leaving so much as a scratch on his target's physical body.


Tony has been largely unacquainted with much of the above world on account of protecting the treasures of dead men. Many of his assumptions and short-sighted'ness about the above world stems from the fact that he has spent most of his time dealing with the worst it has to offer. He thinks so little of the people because he has yet to truly see the world outside of grave robbers and opportunists. He will often turn on people who help him out in earnest, because he assumes all these people are the same, and that the wish they seek in the tournament is bound to fall into the hands of a conniving sleeze. Elders who have seen the world for how it is, may try and warn him that his perspective is too narrow, but he often disregards their please and thinks of them as naive older people who are out of touch.

If he peers into your soul, those who can keep their wits about them can peer into his as well, they may not be able to manipulate his soul, but they can reject him from their body or even parse information from his own soul. His soul weapons are also made of his own soul, though information can't exactly be parsed as easy as the fragments of the soul are small, which also means he's not likely to suffer from over usage of his soul weaponry, though anything is possible...

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Author's Notes

Tony's a major Anti-Hero force in the world of Summer Leagues, I wanted to make a character who has as much of a chance of being an evil dickhead as they do being a gruff hero. Someone who will walk an old lady across the street but will also kill someone for lookin' at him wrong. He will walk his own path and be sure of it every step of the way (until he doesn't).