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Shadow Trickster Mory


and a skibidi toilet to you, good sir!

-- Mory


A mysterious shadow entity from another dimension. His true intentions are unknown. 


Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes

Why is broseph here?

Mory comes from a different dimension. He crosses into this one out of what he calls "a quick inspection." (tomfoolery will ensue)


It seems he's interested in helping Reno in his endeavors (having info on competitors, when he feels like it) for the price of curing his boredom. 


Very chill and laid back. He wishes not to attract any attention, especially God Eater's, or interaction with others other than Reno (usually lurks in the shadows/disguises as one's shadow). If he does appear, it's probably messing around with some sorry sap, chiming in randomly about his current hyperfixation, or just laughing about some unfunny meme he thought about. He loves to push people's buttons for the thrill of it, seeing what really makes a person tick. He's a weird butt face with the worst sense of humor ever conceived. But, perhaps, there might be more than meets the eye.



Despite seeming villainous, Mory emphasizes that he has no intent on doing any dubious villainy. 



In his shadow form, Mory can morph his silhouette into anything he desires. (e.g. animals, machines, mimicking competitors, etc.) He can stretch, bend, and squash (kinda like putty).

Cartoon Physics

Possessing cartoon physiology, Mory can do anything a cartoon character can do. This includes: bringing wacky items out of thin air, can instantaneously change his (and others') outfits to go with his horrible gags, seeing stars when he gets bonked on the head, referencing things no one will ever get,  etc etc etc.


  • Mory is aware of the 4th wall and knows a concerning amount of knowledge about the internet... (take that as you will.)


Reality Warping

Knowing that God Eater is watching, Mory keeps his reality warping abilities to an all-time minimum.

The only warping he uses is for comedic purposes. He doesn't plan on involving himself in other's matters, except Reno's of course.

The God Eater makes the rules, and Mory respectfully follows them.


  • She (or someone who possesses immense power) could easily put Mory in his place. (e.g. not giving him access to certain information/places, simply banishing him from crossroads lol)

Mory icon.png


"The Shadow Trickster," that one shadowy individual

Profile Data




He/They  Male


Seems to be around mid 30s?


??? / 5' 11" / Build varies

Hair/Eye/Skin Colour

Black / Black / Cloaked in Shadow

Distinguishing Marks

  • Tired Eyes
  • s h a d o w s


Nachos, Cartoons, Comics, 

Original Character Tournaments


  • Ketchup

  • you

jk <3 --Mory


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Mory More Ref

Author's Notes (Random Fun Fact's)

One of my fav OCs. He's planned to be a minor yet important character in Reno's story.

  • He is asexual but doesn't mind a flirt or two ,':)
  • space jam dvd