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"I love my wife, that's all I got to say, really."

-- Aanir Rahvnatt



A human turned multiversal protector due to an incident, he now explores countless universes; checking on them and keeping them safe behind the scenes. Despite his knowledge and abilities on every combat aspect, he's primarily a support magic user; using buffs and debuffs on people in battles. He decides to turn full-human in Crossroads, possibly so he can show off his looks. Despite that, he's quite respectful, talkative, and incredibly friendly. A bit unpredictable in a comedic way, though.



Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



Aanir originally was a normal human before his universe came at risk and collapsed into inexistence, suffering major damages he was one of the few who managed to live after being dragged through a portal to another world, although at the cost of his human body, having it replaced with cybernetics, it was then thatthat, alongside other survivors from other worldsworlds, he was tasked with finding the threat to the universes and neutralizing it, being one of the few from his allies who didn't die in the end. He still holds some pain from being unable to save his friends, but he understands that it was Fate's choice to have it that way, and that it's Fate's choice that he be the one to outlive the rest so he can continue doing his job.

Years later, when that story ended, he rose to omnipotency, working behind the scenes with Fate, the entity that creates the universe, to get the ball rolling, to guarantee that a story is lived and that the world is alive, whether it was to corral a monster to meet a young hero or to neutralize a trap that was specially wicked, a world without a story is eventually forgotten, and a forgotten world rots away into nothing.

During one of his many tasks, he was summoned into a certain world, one unknown to him but that he quickly caught on with what to do,do. beingBeing summoned by a cult who pleaded with himhim, he quickly started to eliminate them,them. ifIf they could summon him, who knows what else they could bring to this world?

During his fightfight, he met a familiar face who raided the cult's base at the same time, the hero of the world he was in, her name being Rakurai Fyuujin, someone he never met before and yet deeply respected,respected. thisThis wasn't the first time he met a Raku,Rakurai, though this one was different tofrom the one he met before, he held her just as high as the one who saved his life during that initial portal mishap that almost cost him his life.


Aanir's an extremely friendly person,person; from animals to eldritch horrors, everyone is an equal to him in his eyes, coming from his experiences travelling different worlds. Compared to Rakurai, he's alsothe vocal one of the duo, and he'd usually, if not always, be instigating conversations. However, this doesn't mean he doesn't have any manners; in fact, he's quite polite and respectful towards everyone and everything. 


He's always willing to lend a hand to everyone, friendwhether its a friend, any random civilian, or enemy,even thoughcriminals, if he canagrees with their intentions enough. He hardly considerconsiders anyone an enemy of his.his, unless they're an active threat and/or they're a threat to Rakurai.


One might think he's a dumb jock with a heart of gold, but surprisingly, he's far from dumb. He absolutely loves indulging in literature and knowledge of the worlds he's in, this made him well-versed in languages and history, and even gave him a general consensus on any culture; from old medieval times, to futuristic wonders.

Aanir holds a deep love for Rakurai, and often so he'd be a little rowdy to keep her well and healthy. This doesn't mean he's over-protective and won't allow her to fight, in fact he encourages her, as long as she's not getting brutally injured. He might get enraged if anything bad happens to her, she is his world and he'll do anything he must to keep her safe.


He has this bona fide image of the perfect husband, or so he thinks.

Aanir Rahvnatt
aanir fullbody.png


  • Aanir
  • "Zravnur"
  • "Namir"
  • "The Savior of All"
  • "He Who Supports The World"
  • etc.
Profile Data


Human Cyborg


He/him, male


Around 27 (Real age: ???)


Weight: 210lbs.

Height: 6'2"

Build: Athletic, muscular

Hair/Eye/Skin Colour

Hair: Black

Eye: Dark Purple, can glow

Skin: Fair

Distinguishing Marks

  • He looks so boring.
  • [Omnipotence?]
  • [Mastery Fire Magic]
  • [Support Magic]
  • [Bookmarks]


  • [Omniscience]
  • [Master of Magic]
  • [Ultimate Husband]
  • [Hidden Hands]


  • [Crystal]
  • [Always on Support]
  • [All Talk]
  • [Vows, Promises]


Potentially formidable with anything


Her wife, cats, any kinds of animals, cooking, reading, joking around, caramel candies, the goodwill of people


Anyone who hurts her wife, irredeemable people

RacchusHalcyon and SpecsWitched



His Omnipotence is, by all means and purposes, actual omnipotence andbut alsoat the same time not omnipotence, Aanir derives his powers from 'God's blessings,blessings'; amassing countless blessings from countless universesuniverses, he achieved powers that could only be called omnipotence,omnipotence. butHowever, somethingthe crystal on his chest seems to be interfering with those gifted powers at the moment, leaving him with basichis abilities forbe mostlimited combatand abilities,hindered in terms of power and damage, as if his own power-limiting vows isn't already enough. Where once he can conjure a massive world-ending beam, he can only now conjure one that destroys walls. Here are some of his more notable abilities that are now limited:

  • Support Magic: Usually he'd set the strength of his buffs and debuffs to be around 3x or even 5x, but with the crystal he's now only able to do 1.5x or 2x. Not only that, he can now only stack his buffs or debuffs up to 3 spells.
  • Shapeshifting/Transformation: He now can't transform to people he has met before (not like he'd enjoy doing that) nor can he transform for winning purposes (I.e transforming to a god of some sorts), and is now limited to animals or objects.
  • Conjuring/Manifestation: He can only now summon bladed/blunt weapons. And while he doesn't like doing it frequently, he can summon ghosts and/or incorporeal beings, they can't fight though, just mostly for visuals and to annoy people.

While this is a fairly small list, do note that Aanir is an extremely flexible character, where you can absolutely make up any powers, abilities, or techniques you want for him as long as it's not out of his general personality and powerset. He can also still do some sillier stuff like shapeshifting or talking to animals unhindered.

[Mastery Fire Magic]

A significant part of his repertoire of commonly used skills in a fight, Aanir fights fire with fire, often using it to supplement his physical abilities when push comes to shove, common uses of Fire Magic can include, but are not limited to: Fireball, Flamethrower, Fire Weapons (Example: Knuckledusters, Naginatas, Zweihanders, he tends to prefer weapons that hit hard or hit fast, being able to switch them around to deal catastrophic damage to unprepared targets), Flame Mines (Small balls of fire that explode indiscriminately when someone that isn't Aanir approaches them, they can explode when Aanir is in range of them if someone approaches so he can't camp a area), Homing Fire Missiles, Explosion, "Rocket Jump" (Explosion at the floor to propel him further away with the blast), etc. Whatever you can think of, he can do with a snap of his fingers.

[Support Magic]

Your generic set of statistical buffs in a JRPG! ATK UP! DEF UP! SPD UP! Anything you can think of for buffs, he can cast, this also includes all debuffs and status effects! Beware of getting frozen, burnt, poisoned or sleepy, you might just get swept under your feet if you're not careful near his magic, although Aanir can stack it all, he'll usually not do that, it's not such a fair fight if your opponent is carrying the weight of a thousand debuffs at once.

Normally, his support magic is invisible and hard to dodge, but in the spirit of a fair competitive setting he imbued his magic in Kamifudas (Paper Ofudas) that bind to his target's soul, slowly burning away with the effects of the spell, one can simply wait until they naturally wither away, tear them in halves and scraps so the effect is even more quickly dispelled or simply remove them with magic.


Even if Aanir has lost his greatest power, he hasn't lost his greatest tool, during his early years he collected knowledge about magic from countless worlds, all conjoined in one book he can easily summon at will, with Omnipotence he could cast any spells immediately, but even without he can still cast other spells, as long as he checks the bookmarks on his book to remember how to do it properly, that is.



A tool derived from his omnipotence, he used this to quickly grasp the new worlds he visited, but knowing everything that ever existed would be quickly overwhelming so he only used it partially, just like how his omnipotence isn't true omnipotence but could qualify as such, his omniscience is the same, he can decide certain topics and subjects to learn a lot about quickly, of course, as his omnipotence is currently sealed, so is his omniscience, but what he already knows can't be sealed away, beware of petty tricks and magic traps, he might recognize you and your weaknesses, but I guess that means he's just that much of a fan of you to remember silly stuff like that, right? Of course, most of his knowledge is about other cultures and languages as it's crucial for when he has act in a world, he's always been a quick learner and enjoyed talking to people to learn about places.

[Master of Magic]

Aanir's always been drawn to magic, luckily for him, he was born with a high affinity for magic, having tons of mana in his body, magic is like a second nature for him.

[Ultimate Husband]

His love and bond with Raku is everlasting and, overall, really deep. Causing him to greatly understand Raku's thoughts and way of acting under the pressure of combat, multiplying the effects of their teamwork hundredfold. Aanir can understand Raku with the most minute movements from her and act correspondingly. With Rakurai being the main fighter, dishing out attacks, and Aanir being the support, supplying her with buffs and spells, them working together can be devastating.

[Hidden Hands]

His body isn't all for show, well, it mostly is for show, but he still packs a punch, being skilled in a couple martial arts even if he's a mage, having learned boxing, kickboxing and capoeira, approaching him carelessly can cause an easy knockout, for him, of course.



More specifically named the Denial Crystal, this is something Aanir took as a souvenir from his early adventures, this crystal has the ability to block someone's potential so they can't kill someone else, it's currently lodged in his chest, making him quite weak in comparison to other fighters that have no issues drawing other's blood, it nerfs his combat capabilities for a fair amount, crippling his support buffs and debuffs so they can't be endlessly stacked.

[Always On Support]

Aanir would excel in the frontlines of combat, but alas he's too focused on sitting back and being a support, it's how he learned to fight and how he prefers to conduct himself on conflicts, unless he's forced to advance, he'll sit back with supporting skills and ranged attacks to ease the pressure on his allies.

[All Talk]

An old habit of his, he throws out taunts like a torrent of water, it's hard to find a moment in combat where he's not thinking of what's the most crucial taunt he can throw out there to mess with the opponent's mental, to enrage the opponent into engaging in a off-position is his specialty, most of the time the taunts are pretty empty of ill intention though.

[Vows, Promises]

Aanir is someone who holds what he values high in his mind, his biggest ideal being about "Making everything fair.", if he can afford to power down to give his opponent a chance in a 1v1, he will do so, if the opponent powers up, he'll power himself up to a equal degree.


  • When you see the word "Fate", it refers to the author, Aanir not only knows he's a character, he understands his potential and takes care to not misuse it, having a connection with the author he does what they need for the sake of the story, he doesn't have any confirmation that readers exist, but he guesses so based on some clues he picked up with time and plays into it sometimes, any 4th wall breaks from him are mostly physical and comical, like screaming for a spiky speech bubble he can swing around.
  • He really likes Uncle Ben's "With great power comes great responsibility." quote.
  • Aanir's usual voice claim is Aleks LeLe, preferably someone like Luke from Street Fighter 6, Sung Jin-woo would be too edgy for him.

aanir turnaround.png aanir wiki visual 1.png SL2_placehold_image_04.png
Turn-around reference The crystal on his chest [item description]

Author's Notes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.