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R1 Mixed Wisteria Results (2024)

Round 1 Results

WriterMixed SakuraWisteria League

Final Deadline: MayJune 18th8th 2024

Judged by: Minty & Vashle

Feedback released ~12:30am EST 9.23.2024

Match 1

CorrinBanafsaj Safi & CitronMaduabuchi vs.vs SimonHikaru Keyes& Ryujin Hoshi
CorrinBanafsaj Safi & CitronMaduabuchi
SimonHikaru Keyes& Ryujin Hoshi
UnfortunatelyLots dueof lore come with these two-- you did a great job balancing all of the information and backstory. Good management of a large cast and a good job with your opponent. In the future, don't be afraid to lifecut circumstancessome Corrinscenes & Citron forfeited this round. We hopeif they canstart enjoyto theirbog timedown inpacing. Crossroads!Looking forward to development between these two!
UnfortunatelyA duewritten round with a strong visual novel flare! Do be careful with how many characters you're using-- it's easy to lifequickly circumstancesoverload Simonscenes. KeyesOverall forfeiteda thisgood round.round Wewith hopegreat hecharacters canand enjoya hisfun time in Crossroads!fight!
Storytelling Execution Editing Storytelling Execution Editing
N/A20 N/A47 N/A5 N/A11 N/A20 N/A3
Verdict:Overall SecondWinner: WindBanafsaj SlotSafi & Maduabuchi

Match 2

ScytheReigai vs RaviakiTheo & Pudelle intorelationship,
RaviakiTheo & Pudelle
WelcomeYour backwriting Scythe!unique Funand creates a fun atmosphere with interesting characters to read about. We'd love to see Scythe'sthe Wisayumei-Tizukalore flavoredaround PTSDReigai and Gambler developed more! The opponents needed more focus as onewell, ofbut theit returning characters from our previous OCT. You putwas a lotfun ofread workoverall. A fleshingfun out the environment and people for Scytheround to interactread! with, however I found Scythe's flirting pushed into OOC bounds and wasn't comfortable to read. Overall youYou did a goodgreat job withexpanding yourmore opponent,on foreshadowing,Theo and thePudelle's fight. Youas weavedwell inas alltheir ofbackstory/lore. Your opponent was used well-- just next time, try to start within the charactersCrossroads in well- I was never overwhelmed by the amount of characters used, and it really fleshed out Ravi's outsider experience in Crossroads! The illustrations were great too-- satisfying read that was highly detailed and fun.arena.
Storytelling Execution Editing Storytelling Execution Editing
16531514 39 4275475
Overall Winner: RaviakiTheo & Pudelle

Match 3

AndreaYuri & OctaviaBoris vs Vivian Huang & Jian Er'ZiuJaz
AndreaYuri & OctaviaBoris
Vivian Huang & Jian Er'ZiuJaz
IA lovegreat Andreafirst start for Yuri with a perfect foil in Jaz! Excited to see how Yuri continues to develop and Octavia'swhat dynamic--devious theschemes dramaBoris andhas tensioncooked the two have throughout your round helps keep the momentum going, and creates a lot of intrigue between them. Vivian had a good dynamic with the girls and the fight was dynamic and interesting.up.
Unfortunately due to life circumstances Vivian Huang & Jian Er'ZiuJaz forfeited this round. We hope they can enjoy their time in Crossroads!
Storytelling Execution Editing Storytelling Execution Editing
1723 3848 67 N/A N/A N/A
Overall Winner: AndreaYuri & OctaviaBoris

Match 4

KiriataSelica vs Eliza & Azta vs VarilaRonin
Kiriata & AztaSelica
VarilaEliza & Ronin
WhatA avery funbrief read!execution Itof keptSelica's win! While it succeeds in getting from the momentumstart allof the way upround to the end.end, Iwe'd feltlike thatto Varila could've gotten a littlesee more screenmeat time pre-fight, but you did a fantastic job with her as an opponent. You tied upin the fightentry inof acharacters wayinteracting thatand keepsdeveloping. the story going for both teams-- "No one goes home sad" is a great goal for these two!
WhatRonin's anfirst action-packedfight as a returning competitor with Eliza! It was clear to see the round had a lot of fun in the creation of it. Try including more depth with character goals and emotionalmotivations round 1! The world was crafted beautifully andin the opponents were used as great foils. Try to keep important moments within the scorednext round-- otherwe'd than that, the prologue was a great lead-uplove to thesee round.more Greatdevelopment jobof withthese thetwo writing!and their dynamic.
Storytelling Execution Editing Storytelling Execution Editing
214 5413.5 244 569 7326
Overall Winner: VarilaEliza & Ronin
Second Wind: Kiriata & Azta

A note for second winds & the possibility of being matched up in the third and final round-- canon should follow the creator's own version of events throughout the tournament, so both Kiriata & Azta and Varila will continue with their R1 canonicity. Discrepancies later on can be regarded as the God Eater manipulating dimensions and character interactions to force more situations-- if it is alternate world versions or not is at your discretion. Canon conflicts should not be much of a problem for the second round-- if there will be a canon conflict concern after R2 results are released, we can discuss it further then.

This decision only affects the R2 opponent and side of the bracket (Kiriata & Azta will be fighting the other bracket half opponent, Raviaki).