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Business District


Stalls sell the food and wares of traveling merchants closer to the Colosseum, while resident merchants own the buildings closer to the walls.

-- Unknown



The smell of delicious, freshly made food wafts through the air as you peruse a stall for knockoff Miss X plushies with strange-looking faces. The streets are cramped, the buildings are close together, and everything comes to life at night here. 


During the day, the Business District is not much to look at. This district is a unique blend of historical and modern architecture.  Small apartments line the upper floors of buildings, while locally owned shops line the streets. Bakeries, clothing stores, flower shops, cafes, you name it, this district is probably selling it. At night, however, when the brightly lit signs are switched on, is when the fun comes out. 


Food vendors set up their stalls and sell food from all different realms. Scalpers in oversized coats sell equally overpriced tickets to the Colosseum, hoping no Crossguards catch their shady business. 

Business District

Battle of Barterers


Main inhabitants



Food vendors cooking, merchants selling their wares, people chatting late into the evening




Crowded, Entertaining, Harmonious

Notable Features

The faded, unsold knockoff God Eater plushie with cross eyes, hanging in a shop window.

Business District Palette.png

Business District Palette

Author's Notes