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Baxter Soarski


LoremPeople ipsumsay dolorthat sitthere amet,are consecteturwonders adipiscingin elit,the sedVoid, do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.but... aren't we all in that Void? Void is space, is it not? Space surrounds us. And right now in my space, you, are one of those wonders~

-- Baxter


Once an evil cult leader, where he and his cult were involved in all kinds of misdeeds for greed.misdeeds. Now, he has retired and seeks new sights, experiences and chaos. Fortunately, heHe rarely plays a part ofin that chaos now as he prefers getting to know all kinds of people and new knowledge from worlds that he visits.



Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



Baxter was a notorious evil bandit leader turned cultic after discovering magic. Gaining secrets to power and fortune, he and his gang came upon a god to worship. ButDespite alas,the Baxterpower, fell into greed, seeking morefortune and moresuccess powerthat to the point of godhoodBaxter and his cult,cult achieved, he still fell deep into greed and sough godhood. As a result, his cult along with his closest companions were sacrificed for it.

That was long ago till one of his ventures today, answering a mysterious invite for a tournament that grants the winner one wish. He arrived at the Crossroads, home of The God Eater who hosts the tournament and desires to fulfill his wingwish in bringing back his loyal followers.followers to life.



Gremlin.Baxter Soarski is the definition of a mischievous gremlin and a trickster.


RatherOn thanfirst contributingimpression, Baxter comes off as a sleazy gentleman that doesn't cause any trouble nor asks for it. Until, he gets to chaos,know you more... However, he preferswon't watchingcontribute itto now. As cruelchaos and merciless he can be, he still prefers to letspectate, or at least fuel the livingfire livesneakily. If not chaos, you are bound to keepdislike

Ifhim you defeat him,as he will sabotage you inanswer your next match just to watch you suck. Will toy and messquestions with opponentsmore weakerquestions thanor him,aggravate justyour tomind getwith ariddling laugh. Expect audience to jeer at him. If his announced opponent is stronger than him, he will find ways to sabotage the fight to win. It can be giving the opponent stomach ache, poisoning, hurting them, making them sick, getting them trapped etc.


AtAs thesadistic present,and merciless as he is, he isn’t the kind to kill on the spot and rather let people live (especially the amusing ones) to see what ismore of their nextstory. chapter.
Often, he will toy and mess with opponents weaker than him just to get a laugh. Despite that, he is still curious to see if the weak can grow strength and will from the bullying.


On the shameless side, he will so anything to win in the tournament and will sabotage his opponents for that. As for opponents who beat him, he will also sabotage their fights and just watch them suffer with a grin.


FlirtHe preferences;loves monstrousto ortease and flirt with people that interest him, doesn't matter if they are married, dangerous, horrifying creaturesmonstrosities (asand longetc. notIn disgusting),fact, strongthe ladies,more challenging or easy-to-upset challengingthe characters
people are, the more fascinating they are. And the more these people hates him back, the longer he will stick.


Whether it is out of playfulness or maliciousness, he loves to mess with people's minds. If you have good intentions, he will try to make you believe you are doing more harm than good. While if you are evil, he will confuse you that you aren't as horrible as you thought. He only speaks with good philosophy as the truer the facts are, the harder it hits.

Baxter Soarski
Baxter Soarski fullbody 01.png



Profile Data


Demon / Demigod




Unknown (Appears to be in 30s)


Height: 6 ft  / 183 cm
Weight: 168 lbs / 76 kg
Build: Runner fit, Broad shoulders

Hair/Eye/Skin Colour

Hair: Platinum

Eyes: Gold

Skin: Fair

Distinguishing Marks

  • 'X' scar on face
  • Bright gold necklace
  • Immortal (but not invincible)
  • Regeneration
  • Blood Conjuration
  • Weapon Mastery
  • Acrobatics
  • Flight
  • Sharp-sight
  • SuperhumanDemon strength
     & flight


  • Observant
  • Resourceful
  • Tactical in survival and fights
  • Wide knowledge of magic,the mystic, godsmystic and travellingexperiences tofrom visiting different worlds.


  • Energy/Aura of the pure good hearts
  • Reckless when temperamental and panickedgood
  • Lets guard down when overconfident
  • Reckless when temperamental or panicked


Can shape anything from blood conjuration, his favorites varying:

  • Spear (often tridents)
  • Naginata
  • Bow & Arrow
  • Scythe


Chaos, Mischief, Conflict, Bloodshed, Danger, People-watching, Danger,New Thrilling adventures, Dark humor,knowledge, The morbid (includes monsters as long not disgusting),morbid, Fine arts, Philosophy, Duet dancing, Medieval class weapons, Making deals (both demon deals andjust normal deals), Rare steak, Red wine, Messing with people


Using firearms, Doing good deeds, Being trappedTrapped in tight spaces, Being made a fool or underestimated






ImmortalityRegeneration & RegenerationImmortal (but not Invincible)

EveryBaxter can be injured like any mortal but each injury inflicted will heal in minutes so bleeding won't slow Baxter down.minutes. Even if you cut off his arm or head, he willcan still move with what he has.move. To end him, you must incapacitate him enoughin quick succession till he doesn'tcan no longer regenerate. However, he can't die and will return in his weak form after a while. Don't worry, he cannot do anything in his weak form which he is the size of a ball and will stay like that for half a day or more. How the weak form manifest may be by growing out of his 'leftovers' or spawning from god knows where.Baxter Soarski weak form 01.png

Baxter Soarski weak form 01.png

Blood Conjuration

Baxter can conjure endless amount of red blood and shape the element into anything. The fluids can harden into steel-like weapons like spears and bows, all that can be wieldwielded and launched as manymuch as he wants.

AbilityWeapon 3Mastery

LoremBaxter ipsumcan doloruse sitmany amet,medieval-class consecteturweapons adipiscingand elit,even sedif dohe eiusmodhas tempornever incididunttried utone, laborehe etwill doloreadapt magnafast. aliqua.Sometimes, Uthe enimwill aduse minimreal veniam,weapons quisinstead nostrudof exercitationblood ullamcoconjured laborisones nisijust utto aliquipshow exoff. ea


Baxter Duisis aute irure dolorflexible in reprehenderitmovements and quick to react. Accompanied with his ability to regenerate, he will bend his body in voluptateimpossible velitways.

Demon cillumStrength dolore& euFlight

Baxter nullais pariatur.stronger Excepteurthan sintthe occaecataverage cupidatatman nonand proident,is suntproficient in culpaflight. quiStill, officiahe deseruntwill mollitkeep anima idsafe estdistance avoid damage on his wings and prefer using long ranged weapons.




LoremBaxter ipsumhas dolorsharp siteyes amet,and consecteturis adipiscingmore elit,aware sedof dowhat eiusmodhappens temporaround incididunthim. utIt laborewill etbe dolorechallenging magnato aliqua.trick Uthim, enimunless adyou minimcan veniam,rile quishim nostrudup exercitationfirst.


Baxter nisiis ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolorcunning in reprehenderitlife inand voluptatenever velitsays esseno cillumto dolorechallenges. euFrom fugiatthere, nullahe pariatur.developed Excepteurquick sintthinking occaecatto cupidatatsolve nonproblems.

Wide suntKnowledge

Baxter culpahas quiwide officiaknowledge deseruntof mollitthe animmystic idand estexperiences laborum.from visiting different worlds. Thanks to that, he can understand or guess more accurately on types of magic, people, lifestyles and etc.


Energy/Aura of the Pure & Good Hearts

Energy/AuraEnergy ofor magic casted with good and pure holinessintentions andcan divination
Recklesseasily whenfend temperamentalhim andoff; panicked
Letslike guarda downvampire whento overconfidentthe light. Due to this, he will try to shake up your good will with his mind messing talks.

Carelessness whenOverconfidence 

Baxter is often overconfident and can conjurelet endlesshis amountguard down.

Reckless from Emotions

When Baxter is unable to stay calm, temper and panic can cause him to be careless. He will fight with more ferocity and recklessness, but will miss things easier.

No Fear of redDeath

When andreckless, shapehe can overwork his body or let his body take too much damage to the element into anything. The fluids can harden into steel-like weapons like spears and bows, all that can be wield and launched as many aspoint he wants.can't move.

Summer Leagues OCT 2024 - Baxter Soarksi Reference res res.png

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Free-to-use Assets
Baxter Soarski trident 01.png

Sample of Baxter's conjured trident

Author's Notes

  • Mess him up as much as you like since he can't be killed.
  • If a character consumes his soul, expect him to try to take over their conscience or annoy them like a fly.
  • He hates firearms, butbecause that doesn't mean he can't use them. He just dislikesof how easy it is to kill with them.