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Frances Davis


When we broke up she said ‘it’s not me it’s you’ which is completely ridiculous! After all, I'm not the one who has forgotten how to smile!

-- Brian, Fran’s co-worker



Fran wants to do one thing, sleep. Unfortunately for her, she sold her soul to an old god years ago and now must try to convert others into the cult (or into fuel for the old one), or risk eternal insanity and torture. Her job is being an ‘event coordinator’ for people the cult kidnaps to their unknown island, a job she’s been quiet quitting for at least a decade. But things aren’t all that bad, she’s now unaging, can change into a lovecraftian creature called a cat of Saturn, and even sometimes gets breaks from her on-call 24 hours 7 days a week job to work on her art. 


Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



Frances Davis was born as the third child to Alice and Henry Davis February 26th, 1985 in Massachusetts. She grew up as a typical weird art kid, being involved in the early internet and a regular on the furry forums, sharing sparkle dog artwork. She was also into the odd and the occult, when it came to choosing an art college to attend she chose one based on the fact they had a fairly known club for dark and strange. 

She met her best and worst friends in this club, and together they discovered another side of the world they knew, they were looking for demons and darkness and found unknowable cosmic horrors and madness. Impressed by their abilities the old god they had called to earth offered them a deal; they could exchange their humanity and mortal soul for eternal life, a life that bound them to a creature of the other worlds that most closely matched their personality, or they could just go mad and risk dying where they stood. Needless to say, Fran took the first offer. She’s unclear on what exactly happened next or how long it took, she remembers bits of alien worlds, seeing time and space bend around her, being everywhere and nowhere at the same time and indescribable pain and suffering. Her memories start becoming clear again after she has mastered turning into and functioning as a cat of Saturn as well as being trapped on an island controlled by fellow followers of the old god who had gone through the same experience.  

The majority of the cult were fellow artists and creatives like her, and she was quickly accepted and eager to help her new friends and coworkers. However as the years have dragged on and the more and more innocent lives she has seen lost for the agenda of manifesting a stable portal to the city their old god lives the more and more just tired Fran has become and the more she yearns for the days where she could just lay around and draw and her biggest moral problem was debating if ‘pose stealing’ was a real thing or not (it’s not!)


Round 1 update:

During her time in Carcosa, the dimension outside of time and space where her god resides, Fran not only gained the power to transform into a Cat of Saturn but also linked herself to the god, becoming an avatar. Old Gods cannot reside on Earth without extreme sacrifice, so they will create an avatar, a human body they can possess and control for periods of time in order to give instruction to their followers. Up until now Fran was unaware of her status, assuming that she had somehow just missed every single cult update meeting and had gotten cold feet every time she attempted to leave the island. Thanks to the distance between her and the portal (and a little help from GodEater), Fran is now aware (and horrified) of this fact and the actions she does while controlled.  



Ever have a retail or customer service job that paid minimum wage and crushed you every time you had to go in? That’s basically Fran’s mood all the time. When someone asks her a question she will give a long sigh before giving the necessary reply, when someone demands help you’ll be lucky if she does the minimum. Over all she’s burnt out and wants to sleep and to just be on her own for a long time. Underneath the aura of depression is still a depressed person but people who are okay with just quietly vibing and who aren’t freaked out by the lovecraft thing are able to befriend Fran. They will see that she enjoys doing life drawing, and if you look non human enough she might ask if she can draw you (as long as you don’t make a big deal about it). Those close to Fran will also notice she tends to do a lot of cat-like things as a human such as pawing at strings and enjoying sitting in high places. 

Fran portrait



Profile Data


Human/Cat of Saturn




Unaging (Looks mid 20's)

D.O.B. February 26th, 1985


160lbs/5'9"/slightly muscular

340lbs/5'9"(7'9" with tail)/tiger

B/W/H Size

rectangle body shape

Hair/Eye/Skin Colour


orange/green/cosmic void (with sparkles)

Distinguishing Marks

  • Brand on back (human)
  • Missing sections of limbs (cat)
  • Tiger marks are ever changing views into the cosmos (cat)
  • Cat of Saturn
  • Object attraction


No fucks given

No fall damage

Can exist in extreme environments


Holy powers

Uncreative in battle

Inexperienced with magic



  • Teeth
  • Claws





Large Boxes


2000s/early 2010s culture


Her job

Her 'boss'


Theature kids

Being asked to draw something for free



Cat of Saturn

Fran can transform at will into a cat of Saturn, creatures from another dimension that live in space and have fur that shines like gemstones and seem to have bits of their limbs missing. In this form, Fran takes the size and shape of an earthen Syberian tiger with all the power and strength that entails while keeping her human intelligence. In this form she can not speak but can still gesture and understand people. She can also control the transformation to just affect one body part though things can get really unsettling to see a human head attached to a tiger’s body just to speak so she tends to just use partial transformation to change her arms into tiger paws when she wants to bat at something.

Object Attraction

In human and cat form both, Fran can attract small objects to start forming an orbit around her. The objects have to be no bigger than a baseball and can be easily grabbed out of this orbit. She mostly uses this ability to find her lost drawing pencils.


No Fucks Given

She’s walked in the space between sanity and madness, where the unknowable horrors threaten to drag people into their world. She’s seen people twist and transform into terrible dragons and swarms of bugs, watched people die dissolving into puddles of sludge or getting ripped apart by tentacles. Nothing new can faze her at this point, she’s learned how not to be impacted by things that frankly should not be and her touch with the madness has made her unable to be mind controlled or read. Also being a space cat helps with just not caring.

No Fall Damage

As long as she can land on her feet in space cat form then she can fall from any height and not be hurt by it. 

Can Exist in Extreme Environments

Fran can survive in the depths of the ocean or at the edge of the universe without any protection. She can also exist in extreme heat and cold without any life threatening issues.


Holy Powers

Or anything with enough ‘power of friendship’ or ‘goodness’ behind it. Fran, at her core, is a creature of darkness and despair. On earth being a lovecraftian creature normally puts you on the top power wise (compared to other mortals), but a place like crossroads the powers of god and anime can very much be real. She would be rather susceptible to any holy water, swords of light, or love beams.  

Uncreative in Battle

Despite Fran being an artist, she is rather uncreative when it comes to battles. Her main trick is just overpowering people in her space cat form. When basic tactics don’t work she’ll use the environment for very basic things (hide behind rock, jump from tree, pick up and use something as an improvised weapon) but she won’t be crafting any new weapons or setting up traps with the things around her.

Inexperienced with Magic

Every person Fran has needed to fight was just a regular human from the modern time and the rare rogue lovecraft monster. She won’t be expecting anything abnormal/magical coming from anything that doesn’t look like an unknowable horror. Also due to the inherent madness that comes from trying to understand the magical horrors of her world, she won’t be trying to figure out the inner workings of any new magical abilities she comes across (she did that once and it landed her with a job and life she hates.)

fran reference  (human form) Fran cat reference Fran and her cultist club
Human Form Cat Form Fran in her college club

Author's Notes

Feel free to change the placements of the missing parts of Fran’s limbs in cat form to make them more symmetrical/add more/change placements or just not add them at all (if they make you uncomfortable.) 

Fran’s eldritch god is Hastur/The King in Yellow but it doesn’t matter too much.

You are allowed to do whatever (maim/kill/romance ect.) to Fran without asking first.