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A mysterious and powerful woman of an older era, punished for her hubris by being locked in a mask. He has now atoned for her sins, and seeks to help the wearer of this mask, Banafsaj Safi, attain purity so she may unlock the full potential of the Purity Arts. 

Within a Purity Mask carried by Banafsaj Safi, a wearable device designed to help its wearer reach a state of purity and thus unlock the full potential of their Purity Arts, is Maduabuchi's soul. Whenever Banafsaj falls unconscious deliberately (sleep) or forcefully (knocked out in combat), the two encounter each other in a dream-like world that Maduabuchi can shape to her liking. Here, Maduabuchi gets to decide when Banafsaj is ready to wake up, usually when Banafsaj can walk away from their conversation with a more developed character. Even after years together, Banafsaj knows virtually nothing about her background other than that some act of attempting to be like god locked her away here.

Table of Contents
  1. Psyche
    1. Overview
  2. Appearance
    1. Primary Appearance
  3. Abilities
    1. Physical Manifestation
  4. Gallery
  5. Author's Notes



In terms of personality, Maduabuchi is an old soul. She is best described as reserved, humorous, patient, wise, and exceptionally introspective. Although she appears extremely uptight when not around others, she will immediately display a much more soft, jovial side when interacting with him. Maduabuchi is always happy to talk to anyone about anything. She shall listen with the same eager intent to a war criminal as with a second-grader. Although she will not condemn others for their ways, Maduabuchi is often the giver of wisdom regarding flaws she may see in a person. Her advice is not always perfect, but it is always more helpful than what anyone else can offer. Maduabuchi has lived countless sorts of lives and knows a lot about what it means to exist.


Primary Appearance

Maduabuchi's physique is that of a stocky humanoid, although other information is impossible to discern due to the outfit she dons. There are only two items Maduabuch wears. The first is a grey cloak wrapped snugly around her body. hood casts a perpetual shadow over Maduabuchi's face. If one were to remove the hood and cloak, one would still find her body to be obscured by an unnatural shadow. The second is a clay brick attached to a rope, slung around her shoulder and resting beside her hip. It is inscribed with the symbol of a dead lion, whose head is disconnected from its body.


Physical Manifestation

Maduabuchi can physically manifest in the world, although this is exceptionally rare. Why varies, but it is often to give advice to someone who needs it or intervene in a dire situation. She possesses unknown but immense supernatural talents that place her on the level of a god, although they only see use in moments of absolute necessity.




Profile Data


Human: Earth


Sex: Female (presumably)

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/her


Unknown (extremely old)


Height: 160cm / 5'3" (roughly)

Build: Stocky

Hair/Eye/Skin Colour

Hair Color: Indescernable

Eye Color: Indescernable

Skin Color: Indescernable

Distinguishing Marks

Wears a massive grey cloak that covers her entire body, leaving Maduabuchi's face and skin concealed in cloth and shadow.

Even if the cloak is taken off her face and body remain perpetually shrouded in shadow.


Physical manifestation

Unknown supernatural talents


Empty (as of now)

Author's Notes

None (as of now)