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Theodore Thunderbluff


There is no creature under Heaven or earth that can ever compare to the will of the Wildebeestfolk… And the one at the head of the back, is a warrior.

-- [Grandbeest]



Theo is a human raised by wildebeests in the lands of Symphony. After losing his adopted parents and being banished by his sister, he went to live in the wilderness, until he met a group of heroes hoping to save Symphony from potential destruction. Armed with his mystical powers, super strength and magical gauntlets, he’s ready to take on any challenge to protect his friends, especially his girlfriend Pudelle.


Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Strengths

  5. Weaknesses

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes



Theo was found as a baby by Elazna Thunderbluff, a wildebeest warrior woman and wife to the current chief, Decanno Thunderbluff. The pair took a liking to the baby Theo, and adopted him as their son. Theo grew up alongside his adopted siblings, including his older-brother Vuno, sister Taranni, and his baby brother Lukki. Theo would eventually be taught the art of the “Wildeboost”, a mystical art that allowed Theo to strengthen his body and soul by connecting with his ancestors. Despite not being a wildebeest, at the age of 10, Theo had almost mastered the art. Though eventually, tragedy would befall the family when Decanno and Elazna sacrificed themselves to defend the Grassland village from a scorching fire. Before Decanno passed, he gave his gauntlets to Theo.


Years later, a tournament was held to find a new leader for the tribe, and while Theo rose through the tournament with high expectations, he faltered when he saw his final opponent was Taranni. Rather than fight his sister, Theo willingly surrendered, making Taranni the new Chieftess. Infuriated by her brother’s willingness to surrender, Taranni demanded that Theo leave the tribe and never return… After 4 years of living in the woods, Theo encountered a group of heroes hoping to face an enraged clan of wyverns. Seizing the opportunity, Theo agreed to help them, leading him to take up the quest of an adventurer.



When in his Earthquake Wildeboost persona, Theo is often boisterous, jovial and just a tad absent-minded. For a long time he believed that acting this way was a good way to show your friendship. But after meeting a new friend, Theo allowed himself to show his true self. When he isn’t geared up, Theo is gentle, dorky, friendly, though he still has an adventurous and mischievous spark inside.

Theo Thunderbluff




Earthquake Wildeboost

”Muscles” (exclusively by Pudelle)

Profile Data








6’11” / 175 lbs / Muscular

Hair/Eye/Skin Colour

Brown / Brown / Light Tan

Distinguishing Marks

  • Birthmark on his foot
  • Wildeboost Power Ups
  • Super Speed
  • Super Strength
  • Elemental Projectiles
  • Thruster Gauntlets


Theo’s unwilling to give up against a strong opponent, he often tries to find creative solutions to problems, and he’s good at dealing with opponents who fight dirty.


Theo has a hard time fighting friends, unless it’s a sparring match. His emotions can be manipulated against him, and because of how his parents perished, he has a deep-set fear of fire.



  • Thruster Gauntlets
  • Metal Horns
  • Tribal Armor


Vegetables, Adventuring, Garlic Bread, his friends, Balto (his best friend), Pudelle Ellsgood (his GF)


When people try to cut his hair, criminals, fire, Inferno (his archenemy)



The Wildeboost Arts

An ancient art only thought usable by Wildebeests and Wildbeests Only. When used, the Wildeboost can augment a person’s strength, speed, agility and endurance. It can grant temporary immunity to elemental attacks, and even heal the injured by a small amount. The only drawback is that Theo can only use three Wildeboosts per day, and one Maximum Wildeboost per week. After a dimensional mix-up, Theo also unlocked the Chieftain’s Wildeboost which lasts longer, but takes more time to recharge.

Elemental Horns

Theo’s horns serve as an Arcane Focus to fire off elemental attacks through. The elements are really up to his imagination, though his go-tos are usually, Fire, Water, Lightning, Nature and Ice. At first he had very little control over any Wind Elemental attacks, but after meeting his uncle, his control has since become much better. He can also augment these attacks with his horns.

Thruster Gauntlets

The last gift his father ever gave him, Theo’s Thruster Gauntlets are powerful weapons. Made from metal found in a comet, and forged by the blacksmiths of the former King of Symphony, The Thruster Gauntlets have incredible durability. The gauntlets have a special trigger that can boost Theo’s speed at a moment’s notice, and also jettison him in the opposite direction of an attacker. They also allow him to use his special move, “The Rhino Rush” where he charges at full speed at an enemy, head first, to send them reeling. His gauntlets aren’t immune to short-circuiting however, and can be rendered powerless if hit by a strong-enough electrical attack.


Theo has an almost indomitable, optimistic fighting spirit that is difficult to break in most instances. When he faces a strong opponent he always tries to give it 110%, until he can’t physically fight any longer. His mind is equally tough to crack, as most mental control attacks don’t have any effect on him due to his willpower. But more often than not, he tries to find a peaceful resolution when facing an opponent that he knows isn’t evil.


Theo can be a fair bit gullible at times, as his knowledge of human kind is very limited. He himself is still under the partial belief that he is a wildebeest, even when people have undeniable proof that he is fully human, even his human uncle, Jean-Baptiste. But his greatest weaknesses seem to be when he’s brought to the lowest of lows, it can take the help of a friend to get him back on his feet; and due to the wildfire that killed his adopted parents, Theo has a slight Pyrophobia that can occasionally render him frozen (the flames from his horns are an exception). He also has difficulty swimming in deep water.


  • If this were an animated series or radio-show, Theo’s voice would most likely be either Sam Riegel or Aaron Campbell.
  • Theo has been in prison (for a crime he didn’t commit), where he picked up a knack for playing the harmonica.
  • When not in his warrior suit, Theo has trouble seeing, due to his nearsightedness.

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Author's Notes
