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Camio Sant Caim



-- None




Table of Contents
  1. Backstory

  2. Personality

  3. Abilities

  4. Job & Skills

  5. Location

  6. Gallery

  7. Author's Notes


Long ago, Camio Sant Caim was a powerful President of Hell that led thirty legions of demons. He happened by Crossroads by chance and, enticed by the possibility of a wish, entered in the tournament. He made quite a ways through, but was defeated and sealed in teapot by a demon-slaying hero. The Madame found this to be, naturally, an absolute riot, and the disgraced demon ended up lingering around, stripped of his rank and title for this smear on his reputation.


Centuries later, Camio is a washed-up old grouch who resents virtually everyone around him, and is often reciprocated in turn with equal vitriol. He spends his days digging up dirt on everyone he hates just for the petty satisfaction of smearing their name as his was. He has long since given up hope of escaping his porcelain prison, and now embraces his lifestyle as a piece of demon-possessed chinaware. 



Camio is an ill-tempered and spiteful old demon with a chip on his shoulder and bone to pick with just about anyone. With his youth and most of his powers long since gone, he has become jaded and aloof, often complaining about his lot in life to anyone willing to tolerate his ramblings. One of the few things he appears to actually enjoy is gossip and rumors. Listening with fascination to any emerging scandals from across the universes. He's responsible for his own fair share of spread rumors, both truthful and fabricated, and he actively seeks to find more.


To this end, Camio spends much of his time sneaking and spying on visitors and residents of Crossroads alike, and has become quite skillful at remaining inconspicuous. This has garnered him a bad reputation among most of Crossroads' frequent residents, and he is regarded with disdain by most. To the seedy types however, he is valued as an adept spy, and can almost always be guaranteed to be in the know about anything and everything.


Whether he tells the truth or not is ultimately up to him, however.

Camio Sant Caim

Washed-up Demon President




Profile Data






Many centuries


Ht: varies; about 4 ft outside the teapot

Wt: 48 ounces

Hair/Eye/Skin Colour

Hair: White

Eyes: Red

Skin: Grayish blue

Distinguishing Marks

  • Demonic sigil on back


Spy / Informant


Gossip, smoking



Sealed Teapot

In his hayday, Camio had many demonic powers. But now that he's old and sealed within a teapot, he has very few still left that are of much use.

While he cannot fully leave the teapot, he can change his form into a black mass to make himself more mobile, and better at hiding.


Camio's only other ability aside from the previous is his omnilingualism. He can speak any language, even those of animals.

This ability is his most useful, and comes in handy in Crossroads, where many people from all walks of life will pass through. No secret is ever truly safe from this demon, even hidden in code.

Job & Skills

As previously stated, Camio's role in Crossroads is as a spy and informant. He tails important targets, be they contestant or otherwise, gathering information about his target and selling them to whoever is buying, or even just for the fun of spreading a nasty scandal.

He technically isn't officially employed as a spy, and as such works for anyone he feels like at the time.


Camio doesn't have any official residence or place of business, and can instead be found wandering about the streets like a vagabond. It is here that he is in his field, blending in amongst the litter in alleyways and the displays of shops. His favorite haunts are the Fox Den, the Kit'Inn, and the Business District, where he finds the juiciest tidbits of information.


Author's Notes

Say hello to the Crossroads' local information broker. Legitimate or not, he knows whatever it is you might need to know.